Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Monday, January 13, 2025

Lighter Faire

Not much spanking today, lots of foolishness.

For Openers. - Look in her eyes

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I'm an old guy, a slip pulled up is exciting to me

Headed South

Bacall has done this quite a few times. The best was when we were in an adult store with a vanilla couple. She slapped her bare l
eg with a strap and exclaimed "That stings". The other woman was incredulous that she did it.

Let me know when you tire of looking at her


Total Absence of Decorum - She failed charm school.

Thanks to AI, Jennifer is a slut

Beyond Happy Hour

Only Jodphurs Can Mold an Ass Better than Jeans

Finding Hers - Beats Charades

When I was in the Navy, the ship was in dry dock in Washington State for 10 months. For about three months our work and berthing areas were totally redone, back to bare metal. They had no place for us, so they cut us loose. We had to muster on the flight deck once a month for a few minutes, then back to fun. 

Four of us took a house on the Hood Canal and I could write a book about that summer. I will tell one short story. I was dating a gal and her younger, sister flirted with me when her sister was working. Always wanting me to take her for a ride on my bike.

I was 19 and she 16. That's statutory rape. I never let it go farther than me spanking her bottom bent over the bike. I wonder if she ever told her sister?

You have heard of getting a run in stockings

Panty Drop

Pretty in Pink - Would You?

Passing the time until your train comes

Showing Off


  1. Nice bunch, something for everyone. Your Navy story reminded me of the time I was on the USS Midway in drydock in Oakland. One day, I went down to the bottom of the dock and under the ship. I could almost feel the weight over me. There was a worker there and I could stand up inside the ship. He showed me how he could just push his hand through the rust from one compartment to another. We had just returned from an eight month WESTPAC deployment.

    1. My remembrance of dallying with an underage gal (with a perfect ass) made you think of being in the yards at Alameda. LOL

      I was on the Connie. I don't think we ever operated with the Midway on Yankee Station. Maybe because you were in the yards getting that angle deck installed when we were over there.

      We toured the Midway, and because there were so many docents that had served on her, it made the tour very informative. A pilot described how a plane was trapped in terms my wife could understand.

    2. We already had an angled deck. The overhaul was extensive. They cut the ship in half and made it longer, completely replace the flight deck and when they were finished they had used up all the money that was for doing two other carriers, but the Midway, for a while had the largest flight deck in the fleet. I was transfered long before that happend. The WESTPAC deployment was in 1965 and it was the first time in combat since it was built in 1945.

    3. OK, the Connie was there in 64 and 66. So I missed you.

    4. I was in the Philippines at FICPACFAC in 66 and I reinlisted. My Commander arranged for me to fly out to Yankee Station for on day so I got my entire reinlistment bonus tax free.

    5. FICPACFAC sounds contagious. So you were at Cubi. The first stop on my way home. We really should take this private.

  2. I'm an 'well-seasoned' guy too. Pretty much any form of clothing / underclothing being raised or lowered on a lass will get my attention. That gal IS pretty in pink... so hey? A kinky Ken and Barbie mutual paddling session might be fun! Only downside to the train platform fun is it's likely a one-shot deal. We guys would have way too much fun with it and the gals would ban us from carrying the remotes!

    1. I saw the vibrators as transferable. It's fun putting them on. They know what you are going to do. Doing a test before you go out.

      How about a Romper Room with several gals bouncing on these?

  3. Ahh the pleasures of youth, I especially loved the train station gif!!!

  4. The 'Beyond happy hour' backstory would be as interesting as the picture. 'Finding hers - beats charades' I recall that from teenage parties, but it came with forfeits.

    1. I am guessing the 'Beyond happy hour' shenanigans was done in the UK. The cane is a clue.

      Your teenage parties were several steps up from those I experienced.

  5. Some great ones here, I really like the run in the stockings, nice surprise!

    1. I was also surprised. I did not know that hose could be ripped so easily. I imagine fingernails are important to get it started. Framed her bottom for spanking.

  6. Am I missing the point of the last photo or am I spot on? Did he tell them something about how he "would like to watch," in the same sense as Peter Sellers' "Chance" (the gardener) character in "Being There?"

    1. FINALLY, someone got it and commented on it. Exactly like "Chance'. Who would not want to watch those two?
