Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Pamela Churchill Harriman


I only read non-fiction. The most entertaining book I read last year was Kingmaker: Pamela Harriman's Astonishing Life of Power, Seduction, and Intrigue.

The British-born socialite, mixed seduction and power to become the most glamorous diplomat the United States has ever known.

...her second husband, Leland Hayward,  dubbed her, with great pride, “the courtesan of the century.”

If you want to know more this is a link to the book.


  1. According to my wife, the librarian, its a good read, I have it set to download next

  2. Her first husband Randolph, son of Winston Churchill, had none of his parent's qualities. That sometimes happens to children of great people, living up to their parent's image can prove too much. Pamela's only child Winston, was even more of a disappointment, becoming a member of Parliament, but achieving little despite carrying the name of his grandfather. Pamela was certainly one of the 'grande dammes' of her time.

    1. Readers will learn how valuable Pamela was to Churchill in the war effort. The list of men she was involved with is quite lengthy.

  3. Mentioned in Erik Larson's TERRIFIC* book, "The Splendid and the Vile." A drop-dead beautiful woman who married early and...poorly. To Winston Churchill's son. What I found interesting is once she found out what a shit Randolph was, and the marriage would not survive, how she changed. And in whose beds she willing found herself.

    * So good that I was hooked and convinced this book was going to be TERRIFIC after reading just the first 17-pages - of the preface! I dare any reader to do that and not feel the same.

    1. I am not going to spoil it for readers. It's light history. The service she performed for Churchill kept him appraised of American intentions. It fleshes out Harriman, one of the chief diplomates of the era. And more, many more.
