Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bent Over

 Bent Over - The only proper position for paddling

When Bacall Wiggles, She Means Turn Up the Heat


  1. I agree entirely, as long as you're including a nice comfy lap (which I know you're not), in proper things to be bent over. You know I had to get a plug in for the OTK crowd. Will agree whoever staged that first image, must have had your kind of paddling on their minds!

  2. ...whoever staged that first image. was a right-thinking dude. I notice the grace she assumes the position. I give her a 10 for style and 9.8 for a cute bottom.

  3. oh give me #3 please !! 10 out of 10 on the tease scale!!!

  4. You might not be able to handle Bacall's shenanigans.

  5. Oh Im sure you are right!!
