Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bent Over

 Bent Over - The only proper position for paddling

When Bacall Wiggles, She Means Turn Up the Heat


  1. I agree entirely, as long as you're including a nice comfy lap (which I know you're not), in proper things to be bent over. You know I had to get a plug in for the OTK crowd. Will agree whoever staged that first image, must have had your kind of paddling on their minds!

  2. ...whoever staged that first image. was a right-thinking dude. I notice the grace she assumes the position. I give her a 10 for style and 9.8 for a cute bottom.

  3. oh give me #3 please !! 10 out of 10 on the tease scale!!!

  4. You might not be able to handle Bacall's shenanigans.

  5. Oh Im sure you are right!!

  6. That first one. OK this may sound weird but speaking as an Italian, she looks like she stuffing that mozzarella into the cloth sack.
    If you’ve ever watch how mozzarella is made you know what I’m talking about.

    I’d love a bite.

    1. Maybe because I am Welsh, mozzarella or any kind of cheese did not come to mind. I would like to fondle her just like she is doing herself.

  7. If I had access to #3, she would be over my lap with an arm around her waist so I could easily spank her and caress her and feel the warmth of her body.
