Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Thursday, January 30, 2025

This and That

 For Openers

Should someone say you don't know your ass, tell them “The fatty layer on top is called the gluteofemoral fat mass. But, no one calls it that.”

A European custom that should be in the colonies

Might cut down on litter

Fun Girls

Fun girl, also Jail Bait

Tree Improvement

Other than that they didn't touch a thing

Uncle Wayne's Woodshed


  1. After having perused both this AND that? Your post this morning may force me to reconsider my opinion of 'tree-huggers'; at least those of the female variety wearing short-shorts and/or having red bottoms. In other environmental news... I fear your new anti-littering campaign may have the reverse effect on all the spanko brats out there. Might I suggest a better warning, "Littering will result in the withholding of ALL further spankings until picked up" would be more productive???

    1. Bacall has hugged a tree is several states. As evidenced by the photos, she is not alone. There is a division in Forestry called Tree Enhancement. I think this qualifies.

      If a gal likes a spanking indoors, she loves it outdoors. Figure that one out.

  2. The lovely lass in the blue top and blue skirt does indeed have a beautifully spankable ass. I would also hap hap happily let her do the spanking. Jail bait or not she is spankable

  3. Image no 3. Nice to see a mature lady grace the pages of OBB. Some women are like a good wine, they mature to perfection. This is one example. The naked girl in a bar, appears to be in Germany. Jail (gaol) bait, over here that means under 16, it's 18 your side of the pond? A law pretty much ignored in the UK, except for pre teens, when it becomes VERY serious. Call me old fashioned, but I never fancied young girls, grown women are like olives and caviar, a taste worth acquiring.

  4. I have passed over a few "mature" women. Having just one reader say they like to see them will change my head.

    I like young girls just as much as I like puppies. They make me feel young.

    Age of consent varies by state from 16 to 18. In at least half the states it's 16. Say it's 18 and she is days short of being 18. Mom catches them and reports it. He has to register as a sex offender and check in every month for the rest of his life. Even if they marry. He can get an attorney and petition the court to be removed as a sex offender.
