Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Monday, January 27, 2025

Colored Bottoms

 For Openers

One of those things women do that make life fun

Headed South - Removed - self censored to not get the blog banned.

My kind of gal


  1. Now that you say she is British, I see the wall-mounted "radiator," which marks it as British. It appears she is on top of the kitchen table. Odd position. On closer inspection, I see the cane marks. She has a bit of the strawberry skin color, which is so admired.

    Any gal who can touch toes in any manner gets props from me. When I got to play with younger women, that was a fav position. At some age, we all lose that ability.

    While American women are not familiar with cane, I found they were most interested in experiencing it. I was never accurate with one, but I tried. Brits should try switches, either a single one or several at one time.

    1. I love them all today. I have always preferred to spank OTK to start because its a very intimate position and you can feel the spankee's reaction to each implement. But I still love to use a 2 cheek paddle bent over also. The two handed spanker brings mixed emotions. I think if you have to spank two handed with that kind of force, find another implement. She is definitely not enjoying it. But, all in all, Nice collection Bogey!

  2. Not only does the lass in your second pic make it fun... she's clearly enjoying the moment herself. What a cute smile! And the gal in the fourth photo is exhibiting some serious 'bubble' in back. Nice!

    1. Girls love to show off. They start when they are 3/4. I always tried to give them time to do a show, get sassy, whatever they wanted to do.

      #4 is perfect in my book.

  3. Quite a paddling!

    But I was expecting to see at least some black girls from your title! Disappointed. You’ll have to redo. 😉

    1. That never occurred to me. You will have to stay disappointed, no colored girls will appear here.
