Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Monday, January 20, 2025

Bill is paddled by a lot of gals

I checked BDSMLR.  It is still closed to new subscribers. 

I have seen parts of this before, but not the whole collage. I don't know the back story. I want to think that he asked friends and neighbors to paddle him. There may have been some walking around money involved. This is how I liked to be paddled, maybe not as hard. The two slim-waisted gals are my favorites. 

Here's an oldie, Beach Girl Spankings.  He just asked girls on the beach if they would like to be spanked. Built a biz doing that.


  1. If that is the old Ravenhill studios films, later on, they had a series of 3 videos with sound of course where they just walked up to a couple girls sunning themselves on the beach and offered them $500 each to take three 5-minute spankings with hand, plus two other 2 implements they get to choose blindfolded from a hairbrush, paddle, cane and strap. They had several refusals but also there were several who took them up on it. One of my several purchases from Ravenhill studios were those 3 videos. Of course the big surprise was always how long and intense a 5 minute spanking actually is!! The guys giving the spankings always chided them it was ONLY 5 minutes. They always chose 2 girls, and set it up so each girl was encouraging the other to take the spankings. They had a few quit, but most stuck it out. Some were indeed iron bottomed, others wanted the cash.

  2. Bill gets paddled! WOW!!! Those girls really blister him!!!I I am sure I would be done after any 3 or 4 of those swats! But, that said, its fun to watch the smiles on the girls faces as they take him to task! I can imagine he walked a way with a smile on his face. But not sitting comfortably for a day or so. Thanks Bogey, that put a smile on my face this morning!!

  3. I hadn't realized there was a link to the beachgirl spankings!! Well duhh,

    Thanks Bogey, was fun to watch again! I haven't seen that vid for at least 15 years!! It got lost is a clean out somehow.

  4. Lucky Bill, But I do not think this was done in one day
