Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Friday, February 28, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

We Don't Leer

Women accuse men of leering at women. That is not true. It takes us longer to assess a woman than it does for women to appraise a man. The latter is done in less than a second. You have seen it many times. A woman across the room checks you out in half a second. If she maintains eye contact after that, you are a winner. If not, see what’s on TV.  

This is not just the case with human females. Consider the Birds of Paradise. The males have fancy plumage and spend a day or more making a nest. The female stops by and, in seconds, decides whether to mate or move on.

Men need more time to evaluate a woman. Sure, we pay attention to T&A. It’s in our DNA to ensure they are capable of ensuring live birth by having hips that are wide enough and breasts large enough for proper nutrition. We are also concerned that her limbs are long enough to fit comfortably behind her head. We need a few seconds to determine if the angle from the bridge of her nose to the edge of her lips approximates the Golden Ratio. All this and more, but we are not leering.


A Readers View on Position

I prefer OTK. For me, OTK is truly a shits and giggles fun spanking position. It is difficult to take it seriously if you are OTK with your wife or GF. To me, bending over like in school would conjure up too many images of punishment spankings. I am not interested in that, hence why I prefer the fun of going OTK.

Whatever works for you. I am diametrically opposite. OTK holds no appeal to me and is a turn-off. I bent over for the paddle in school in almost grade. Yet, I don't associate it with punishment as an adult. I love to hear "Bend over".


For those fond of Bending Over, here is a lass bending over for the paddle.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

What Would You Do?


The gal in the clip below can absolutely take a hard lick.

If you were there what would you do?

I would get close to her and quietly ask if she would be willing to let me paddle her say 12 times. Not two-handed, full-bore licks, but firm licks. Then see if she wanted more or not.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Normal-size American Bottoms Spanked


Yesterday, we saw the perfect bubble butt spankee. Today we return to normal.

Spanking Pillory

If you have a regular spanking partner, you should have a spanking bench or pillory, she will appreciate it

You have never seen these amateur photos before
They could be your neighbor
Bless them for sharing
Normal-size American bottoms

Monday, February 24, 2025

Just One Picture

I have spanked a few really adorable bubble butts. I married one. Sometimes, when I unveiled her, the perfection of her shape was more than I expected. I don't think I have ever spanked one that was this perfect.

Do you think this has been AI enhanced?

Friday, February 21, 2025

Seeing a Girl Spanked in Church

I mentioned this to a reader. He said he wanted to know the details. I posted about it some time back, but where, I have no idea.  [Too damn many websites]

When I was 16/17, the Youth group at the church met at 6 on Sundays. A religious program for 20-30 minutes, and then we piled in a few cars and went somewhere to eat. This was a highlight of the evening for me. Even though I had a car, there was no way I would be a designated driver. They knew I would take a detour or never arrive. Instead, I sat behind the driver with a gal on my lap. Depending on how she positioned her legs governed how far up her skirt my hand could go without being detected by those in the front seat. The others in the back were degenerates like me.

There was one guy, Robin, who could do no wrong. He was in charge of ensuring that there were no shenanigans during the program. If you interrupted the program in any way, it was Robin's duty to use a belt on you. I sat on my hands.

A married couple were our chaperones. Their daughter was part of the group. The daughter was attractive and well blessed with big uns.

One evening, this girl was accused of something and was to get the belt. After the program broke up, I was walking down the hall to the restroom. Through open double doors, I saw the girl bent over, her parents holding her crinoline slip out of the way for Robin to give her the belt. I did not see him hit her; I continued walking.

It was strange then and stands out as being strange now. Why would parents do something like that to their daughter? Getting the belt on her panties by a boy her age.

I have no doubt that her Dad regularly spanked her and that conditioned her to submit to partial nudity and the belt.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Leave Her Panties Alone

Too often I see a picture of a gal with pink cheeks that has comments from men such as "I would have spanked her harder", I would have taken her panties off to embarrass her and allow her to really feel the paddle."

I attribute such remarks to inexperienced men who have never had a spanking partner.

Embarrass her?  Dream on, buddy.

Or maybe they are more about a GYN exam than spanking her?  Women know about guys who give a few spanks and then want to f*ck.

Here are examples of lingerie that exposes the entire spanking area. So, there is no need to remove her carefully chosen lingerie just to spank her.

How about a decent spanking by agoodspankin

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Holes or No Holes

Adm Note: I post a few pictures that can not be posted here almost every day to New logins to bdsmlr have been closed for months, and I have no idea if they will ever allow new registrations again. However, a few of the lastest posts will be displayed.

It was nice to be able to post any content to the ourbottomsburn website. But what turned out to be a $200 a month cost to me was a little much.


Written by a loyal reader:

Since I am not an expert at Physics, I went to the expert. The answer below is from Artificial Intelligence. I phrased the question to ensure no Kink filters were activated. 
 Question Posed:
 Regarding the physics of a flat body such as a wooden plank striking a surface, does the plank strike the surface harder if there are air relief holes in the plank?  

The Answer returned:

At the speed of a normal human arm swing (roughly 10–20 m/s for a fast strike), the presence of air relief holes in the plank would make a small but potentially noticeable difference in impact force, though not dramatic. Here’s why:

Factors Affecting Impact Force

  1. Air Cushioning Effect (Minimal at Human Swing Speeds)

    • Without holes: When the plank gets very close to the surface, air is momentarily trapped and compressed, which slightly reduces the impact force.
    • With holes: The holes allow air to escape more easily, reducing this slight cushioning effect, leading to a marginally harder impact.
  2. Aerodynamic Drag (Negligible at This Speed)

    • At 10–20 m/s, air resistance is present but not a dominant force.
    • If the plank were moving at very high speeds (like 100+ m/s), reducing drag via holes would matter more.
    • At arm-speed velocities, drag reduction from holes would have an insignificant effect on the plank’s speed before impact.
  3. Mass and Structural Integrity (More Important Than Air Resistance)

    • Adding holes reduces the mass of the plank. If mass is reduced significantly, momentum () decreases, which could actually reduce impact force.
    • If the structure weakens due to too many holes, the plank could flex or deform, dissipating some impact energy.

Final Verdict

  • Small Holes (Properly Spaced): Might allow slightly harder impact by reducing air cushioning.
  • Large or Many Holes: Could weaken the plank and reduce impact force.
  • At Human Speeds: The difference is minor, but in extreme cases (large surface area and very fast swings), the effect might be perceptible.

So, while air relief holes might slightly increase impact efficiency, their effect at human arm speeds is relatively small compared to the plank’s weight, stiffness, and how it's swung.


I made several paddles as gifts, like the one on the second from the right. I used  Popular wood which is "light". I blindfolded my three "nieces" and paddled them several times with and without holes. It was, at best, a coin toss as to which paddle they thought I was using.

A human might detect a difference for a long wide frat-style paddle.

Based on the evidence presented, I claim holes in paddles make no discernible difference.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Panties and Bare Bottoms

 For Openers

There are a few images that have never been published before

I have always been a fan of polka dots

This gets my blood moving

Monday, February 17, 2025

A Dancers Ass

Over the years, we have spent months near the little town of Silverton in Colorado. It was a principal mining town in the late 1880s. Left are hundreds of miles of Jeep trails that allow you to tour the colorful San Juan Mountains. The main street in town is paved. The other four are not.

An excursion train follows the Animas River from Durango to the town daily to deposit a hundred tourists for lunch in the several restaurants and shops.

There is one bar that features a drink that I have never been able to recall the name of.  The favor of the drink comes from a large glass bottle above the bar. Objects float in bottle. It's named something like Black Death.

One year, our waitress was tall, thin and had an ass that could crack walnuts. I noticed this feature before she served my first Black Death.

All the buildings were constructed in the 1800s. This one had a cellar accessed by something too steep to be stairs but not quite a ladder. There was a door in the floor to access the cellar.

Our waitress bounded with the precision and grace of a mountain goat up and down the stairs. Bong, bong, bong. Her tight dress hugging her ass.

I had to chat her up. It was a summer job for her. She was a ballet dancer.

I ordered another drink.

Damn, not one picture of the dancers ass.

This one is just as tight.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Her Slipper on HIs Thigh

This is my Valentine post for the traditionalists. The Princess is spanked.

Now to my post.

I was going through my stash of F/M spanking videos this morning. I tripped over one that I downloaded in 2011. I do not recall it.

It's home made. Very poor video quality. I have never been a fan of the slipper. I never thought they packed enough punch to warrant experimenting with one. [I may have made a mistake]  She uses her bedroom slipper on him - pink fluffy top with a flexible plastic sole.

You know both of us like to have our thighs spanked. She not only uses her slipper on his bottom, but devotes several minutes to slapping the front of his thighs with it. You can tell that it really gets his attention with his yelps and a rigid member.

What makes this video for me is that she smiles through out. She knows she is putting sting in his legs and she keeps on smiling. A good spanker. None of that stern, strict BS.

No stills from the video or from Bacall slapping my thighs. This is the best I can do.

From Spanked Hortic

Her legs will be stinging for some time


The Brits version of a slipper is a gym shoe. Much more substantial. A sandal with a wood sole is whole nother thing. It has almost as much sting as a hairbrush and so handy in the warm months. Sand, sundress, sandals and hot bottoms.