Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

What Would You Do?


The gal in the clip below can absolutely take a hard lick.

If you were there what would you do?

I would get close to her and quietly ask if she would be willing to let me paddle her say 12 times. Not two-handed, full-bore licks, but firm licks. Then see if she wanted more or not.


  1. I would ask her if she needed a break. And if she said yes, I would offer to stand in for her, for a dozen licks, or so :)


  2. If I were there? Mostly I'd buy her a beer, offer her a pillow and be curious about her risk and pain tolerance. Would you let a bunch of random folks swat your butt that hard not knowing if they had clue one how to do it safely? If I was sure she was into it, I'd buy a couple of tickets for the cause. Everyone has their own take on what's painful or pleasurable. Some think a cane stripe is the absolute worst. Some, a single-tail whip. Others can orgasm from them. You enjoy the sharp sting of a 'thigh-fry' whereas for me, that's not on my list. Will say with the swats she took, it does make one wonder if she had any numbing cream or other 'stimulants' on board to help? Then again, maybe she just has one of those iron-butts.

    1. All you say is true. I just want one more turn paddling a gal with a cast iron bottom.

      How do SEALs take sitting in 60-degree surf with their whole bodies shaking?

    2. SEALS... smeals! What I want to know is how anyone can be tough enough to stay within hearing range of a woman filing her fingernails??? It's just one of those godawful sounds, Bogey! Way worse than a screechy chalkboard. Sign it's time for Tex to beat-feet 'outta there.

    3. Of the experience's I have had, spanking a gal with a cast iron bottom was not as much fun as one who is more mainstream. Part of the enjoyment is watching her react and process the pain.

    4. I agree Jack. I just wanted to do it one more time before I crock. Then I can walk away.

  3. When they showed a close up of the paddle at the end, it looked like maybe it wasn’t such an intense implement.

    1. The guys did not have a clue how to paddle. I hope they did not ingure her
