Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Nothing Special Day

Bird woman does not think comments over the last week or so have been adequate.

Casting for the new Gilligans Island is underway.

Long skinny legs

I have never watched the show. Maybe I should

Necked guy, two or more gals and something like this will happen


  1. Ooh nice pictures today.

    My Gilligan’s Island fantasy is I’m Gilligan finally starting a romance with Mary Ann. Ginger gets jealous and starts to seduce me. Mary Ann catches us, spanks Ginger’s big bottom thoroughly, the ties her up and makes her watch as she spanks me before engaging in sexual activity.

    And that last picture. 4 tipsy girls laughing and teasing me. What fun. And how I love the helpless feeling of being smothered by a beautiful bottom and tasty pussy.

    1. Wow! you really took off on the Gilligan revival.

      I have always been amazed by what gals will get up to. And they do it with no plans, conversation, etc. Love the smile of the gal on the right. She may not tell her kids about this adventure.

  2. That first picture is of someone really asking for it and I love the smile.

  3. Wow from Fuck You.... to.... Fuck All! What a fun post. Love the expression on the girl on the right in the last photo... I wonder what she was in the middle of saying. Was it, something like: "Ohh that's too hot, I'm next in line!"

    1. I filed that picture under Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

  4. I like your Gilligan's Island fantasy. Would like to see it played out.

  5. That is a AI Big Bang Picture She was never in that position in any episode. Nice to hope thou.
