Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Notes from Beth

It's been months since I have posted notes from Beth (or any other of my friends from another era in my life)

Hi,    I think being bound over a spanking horse/bench has a certain allure for a lot of women, and some men also. For me, its the sense of complete helplessness and vulnerability, but I'm sure others have their own reasons.  Plain old curiosity probably plays a big part, especially for those doing it the first time. It would probably be different in a party atmosphere since the spankings are seldom full on discipline/punishment either. The fear of being caught bound and naked definitely adds to the thrill and excitement outdoors. Just being exposed causes enough anxiety, but its really multiplied when any ability to flee is taken away. I don't think any spanking has to be extreme. I tend to think our felt pain is more a matter of where we are mentally than being all physical. It might seem weird that I can't 'take' my spankings without rushing my hands back and struggling, but as I said, I'm not good with mental bondage. My thoughts on spreader bars is they are best used when a woman is bound hands over her head, and its mainly for play and not actual discipline. Then the whips and riding crops can come out and gently play havoc on all the very sensitive parts of her anatomy, and other toys can become part of the game.  (ie nipple clamps, butt plugs, etc.) I'm sure all mattresses have their advantages/disadvantages, but at least I never get 'rug burn' on my ass from any of them!  LOL 

I would bet a lot of women have a short pleated skirt, but unless it was part of their school uniform, most girls seldom, if ever wore them to school.  As for the urge to wear one, I think its much greater in those of us into spankings mainly because a skirt and white panties have been ingrained in us as the 'spanking outfit' forever.  You look at any old photos of schoolgirls and college girls and they're almost always in skirts and blouses.  It has become the defacto 'schoolgirl' look, but skirts and panties also make it very easy to bare our bottoms, and we usually look rather delightful bent over a desk and bare.    Beth

skinny dipping

It seems your 'neked' experiences trump mine!  LOL  Almost all of my group skinny dipping was in high school and college. I did several with a boyfriend and other couples when I was younger, but now its strictly me and my husband privately. Lets see, I've swum naked in the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, rivers, lakes, several old quarries, and more than a few swimming pools. I'll be honest, I've never actually done it with complete strangers, although I've been caught by them on occasion. Wow, I didn't know there were all those hot springs in the Pacific NW, but thinking about volcanos I can see where there would be. Yeah, I think I will put it on my bucket list. Maybe my husband and I will plan a vacation in that area next year. Are any of the springs remote and secluded enough we could be the only ones there? This year we're going to Ireland for a couple of weeks, not with a group tour, just us, but we're checking out some of the tours just to find out which sites they go to.

Hi Bogey,    I tend to stay away from skirts and dresses because they make my hips look much broader than they already are, and that leaves out the stockings and pantyhose. I'll put them on when we're playing because hubby likes them, but that's about the only time I wear those little outfits. He prefers garter belts or suspender hose so they leave my butt exposed, but I'm sure you like Bacall in them too.     Personally, I think there are far too many photos of girls blatantly showing everything, and I suspect some of them are going to be sorry in the future. Once its on the internet, it never goes away, and someone will always find it. Some of those young college girls may lose job opportunities because of their online pics.    You sound like my husband. If I'm completely nude, he just likes a pair of earrings, and on occasion just a garter belt with the garters hanging loose. Some times its just a pair of handcuffs holding my wrists behind my back when I'm in a corner and I know my butt is going to be pretty stingy before he takes them off!  LOL    OMG, you still have that picture?  It must be 10 years old!  It was at my sister's after we had a girl's night out and I was feeling kinda naughty!  LOL  I hadn't even met my husband then, and I was between boyfriends. Actually I was between boyfriends for quite awhile before that because the guy I had broken up with was such a jerk I didn't want to date anybody!  I think I was sexier then than I am now, but my legs were still kind of 'heavy'. Even when I was a teenager I never looked good in a mini-skirt or short shorts. Thank you for the compliments, I appreciate them.    I've never actually worn one of those half, or holey bras as you call it, and the crotch less panties when we've gone out. I must be getting old because I remember going 'commando' with no panties or bra when I was in my 20's and early 30's!  Now I 'jiggle' too much to do that anymore!  LOL     Are you traveling with friends, or are they people you met at the campgrounds?  One of my husband's uncles has a motorhome and they caravan with a few other couples when they travel. I don't know if I'd want to do it for long periods, but a couple of weeks here and there would be fun. I'm thinking of all the new and interesting places my hubby could turn me over his knee.     Be safe traveling!    Beth


  1. Thanks for sharing Bogey, The pic you started off with today is one of the best I have seen. I don't know why but it feels like it fits with the letter written by Beth. My wife and I were just kidding the other day about the times we travelled in Ireland a few years ago trying to find that secluded spot for a quick spanking. It was hard to find one because of the tour busses. When we travelled there, we rented a car and drove to wherever we wanted. Much better than tour busses if you can do the drive. Check out the Ring of Kerry , and the Cliffs of Moher, and the pony cart trips at the Gap of Dunloe. Of course my wife spent 4 years in Ireland so I had the best tour guide ever.

    1. The pic you started off with today is one of the best I have seen. WOW!

      I don't know why, but it feels like it fits with the letter written by Beth.
      There might be a reason you feel that way.

      I have never been to Ireland. Another place that will remain in my bucket.

      As for finding a secluded place, you might be surprised how little people notice what's going on around them.
