One reader solved his problems with making comments. It might work for you. Easy to try.
I cracked the access issue using Android operating system. Use Firefox instead of the standard Chrome browser. The screen layout looks better, too. This is rather odd as Blogger, Android, and Chrome are all Google products. For good reasons, many of us have high-security settings on our browsers, but perhaps Firefox security is more tolerant of comment posting in Blogger.
I have been using Brave for the last year. I am quite pleased with it.What's this security stuff? Seriously, I don't worry about my browser history, tho Brave does cover my tracks.
I do protect access to financial institutions and my email with secure passwords that look like this. tFzKrDnEJe6#4Rj8. I use a password manager to keep up with them. Dashlane is my choice.
I do NOT have apps on my phone to access financial institutions. I am a dinosaur, I use a laptop.
Finally resolved the name issue. I can build a house but the computer stuff is just not my game.