Foolishness since 2007

Foolishness since 2007
Foolishness since 2007

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Day One All Over Again

Thanks to all who have written to express their feelings about WP kicking OBB to the curb. One reader mentioned that I had posted a picture showing a gals coochie. That was not intentional and it was careless of me. I am sure that was the reason I was booted. They have software that can recognize "parts". We will all suffer for my screwup.

However, all is not lost. Thanks to the Wayback Machine, the blog from 2007 to last November can be found here

OBB on the Wayback Machine

So if you are really bored...

The future

For the time being, I will post here. There are over 200 followers of this address so word will get out. If you Google 'our bottoms burn' this is the site that is returned, not the WP site.

I know Blogger can be problematic to log on. [I moved to WP because I could not always log on to my own account] Folks had problems with WP. If you have login woes, try clearing your cache and cookies. I do that every week.

I just tried to reply to a comment. It wanted me to sign on. I already was. So it's still flaky.

Don't worry about giving Blogger your phone number. They will always nag for it, just ignore it. They probably already have it from other sources. If you imagine you are a ghost on the internet, you are misinformed.

Going forward. I may put OBB on another site. I need time to procrastinate on that.

Due to a knee injury, I have been confined to my recliner for the last two months. I can now get around some, so I should be doing more than posting to OBB.

Posting 5/6 days has filled some of my time, but I should post less frequently and get some other tasks done.

Another thing you will see when you Google 'our bottoms burn' is my X/Twitter account. I have greatly enjoyed the several sassy and conservative women there. There is some spanking content there also.

The Google search also returns a lot of OBB images I posted.

More about all this as it is revealed to me.

How about a few images?

Kelly Payne spanks men and women. I think this woman is getting her money's worth.

This guy used to get spanked. A lot. Now he do the spanking.

There are more F/F images now than M/F

PS I search with Duck, Duck, Go, not Google. Less tracking.


  1. Well, don't beat yourself up to bad Bogey Leave that to Bacall.......LOL anyway, accidents happen. Now if we could just some more shots of Kelly Payne spanking men that would be nice. LOL

  2. Do I have your email Dan? I don't have a Dan Quale. Write me at the address at the top right of the page.

  3. It's good to see you posting! My site links here now. It should help your traffic.

  4. I can personally attest to Kelly Payne’s ability to deliver a good spanking. Whether it be OTK by hand, over her spanking bench with the paddle or strap or even with a cane. She’s good at what she provides. Just have to get past her voice.
