Most men think spanking in the diaper position is humiliating. I never found that it fazed them one bit. I never did it to see their coochie but lock eyes with them.
For Openers
Headed South
Not much spanking today, lots of foolishness.
For Openers. - Look in her eyes
Let me know when you tire of looking at her
Four of us took a house on the Hood Canal and I could write a book about that summer. I will tell one short story. I was dating a gal and her younger, sister flirted with me when her sister was working. Always wanting me to take her for a ride on my bike.
I was 19 and she 16. That's statutory rape. I never let it go farther than me spanking her bottom bent over the bike. I wonder if she ever told her sister?
You have heard of getting a run in stockings
Passing the time until your train comes